In 2016 I had an amazing, motivational trip to Provence in France. The whole holiday was about physical activities and gastronomy. We hiked on the Mont Ventoux, cycled between the small towns in the ochre area (for example: Roussillon), visited two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Avignon and the Pont du Gard. We swam in Gard river, ate delicious local food, for exapmle black mussels with garlic in white wine. 
#provence #france #traveltofrance #travel #roussillon #pontdugard #montventoux #senanque #ilovetravel #ilovefood #instatravel #audreyfoody #travelgram #food #blackmussels #traveler #travelandeat #eatandtravel #traveladdict #travelphotography #travelholic #travelblogger

In 2016 I had an amazing, motivational trip to Provence in France. The whole holiday was about physical activities and gastronomy. We hiked on the Mont Ventoux, cycled between the small towns in the ochre area (for example: Roussillon), visited two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Avignon and the Pont du Gard. We swam in Gard river, ate delicious local food, for exapmle black mussels with garlic in white wine. #provence #france #traveltofrance #travel #roussillon #pontdugard #montventoux #senanque #ilovetravel #ilovefood #instatravel #audreyfoody #travelgram #food #blackmussels #traveler #travelandeat #eatandtravel #traveladdict #travelphotography #travelholic #travelblogger

In 2016 I had an amazing, motivational trip to Provence in France. The whole holiday was about physical activities and gastronomy. We hiked on the Mont Ventoux, cycled between the small towns in the ochre area (for example: Roussillon), visited two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Avignon and the Pont du Gard. We swam in Gard river, ate delicious local food, for exapmle black mussels with garlic in white wine. #provence #france #traveltofrance #travel #roussillon #pontdugard #montventoux #senanque #ilovetravel #ilovefood #instatravel #audreyfoody #travelgram #food #blackmussels #traveler #travelandeat #eatandtravel #traveladdict #travelphotography #travelholic #travelblogger

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Harmadik nap - hétfői bringatúra: Okker Múzeum - Roussillon - Villars

Harmadik nap - hétfői bringatúra: Okker Múzeum - Roussillon - Villars

Harmadik nap - hétfői bringatúra: Okker Múzeum - Roussillon - Villars

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